Mojang confirmed that the Super-Duper Graphics Pack will land on Xbox One and Windows 10, but it didn't specify which other platforms will receive it. Mojang brand director Lydia Winters pledged to unify the games' versions on "mobile, VR, PCs and consoles." There's no telling exactly how Microsoft plans to inject Xbox Live connectivity into rivals' systems, and we look forward to clarification on this seeming technical hurdle. MC1.19.4 MC1.19.2 MC1.18 MC1.17 MC1.16 MC1.15 MC1.14 MC1.13 More Changelog Install Help Customiser Addons Mod Patches PureBDcraft 1.19.4 Use the slider to compare and make selection 512x 256x 128x 64x 32x 16x Pack 50 Vanilla Addons Better Leaves Addon Adds new 3D models and special textures for all the leaves varieties. Meanwhile, the Mojang team confirmed plans to bring all versions of the game to parity, which it will achieve by connecting those various games-including many not on Microsoft platforms-via the Xbox Live service. A completely redone lighting system exposes more shadows but also includes physically based light sources, which means characters running up to surfaces will reflect little bits of light in impressive fashion. More importantly, the game's complete visual pipeline has seen a substantial upgrade, meaning Minecraft might finally look impressive on your shiny 4K TV. The brief trailer shows the game's existing blocky elements and early textures untouched, though some of the blocky shapes now have smaller blocks chiseled out.

The first of those surprises, the "Super-Duper Graphics Pack," will be downloadable "this fall" as a free upgrade for the game.