The model number is:287707 and the type number is 0224-01.

I think there is something more wrong with it. When the dealer heard how it was barely starting, it would pop and shot out lots of black smoke,but not really turn over,he said the valves were out of timing. I figured that there was more of an issue with it, I returned it to the dealer and he said he would take a look at it. For poops and grins I took off the flywheel and saw that the key was sheared, when i replaced it it was whole and had not bit marks in it. This solved the issue, it started but with in 5 minutes of running it started to run rich and stalled, it has not started since. I got some parts from the used tractor dealer, he gave me some replacement parts, flywheel, and alternator. Well looks like the isse for the flywheel was that the alternator came apart underneith the flywheel, so I had to cut the flywheel starter gear off from the flywheel and then pull out all the loose magnets, once that was done,the flywheel sliped right off. Re: Briggs Stratton 14.5 HP cam issue? in reply to Jason in Ohio, 06-22-2004 09:48:59 I have rented a harmonic balance puller to attempt to remove the flywheel. I did notice some rust like stuff coming from under the flywheel, i have not remove the flywheel yet, it is becoming difficult to remove. I went to the local dealer and they said that those engines have had cam issues in the past, can anyone confirm this and or provide a fix. The engine never burned any smoke or had any issues when it was running, it ran good and strong, oil level was fine, I changed the oil and did not find any metal piece in it to signify if there was an internal engine issue. I purchased a used tractor and after I ran it, I would attempt to start it again and would notice that the engine would not physically turn, I would have to manualy turn the flywheel with my hand and a few degrees back and forth and then the engine would start, the last time I did this the engine did not turn at all, I was able to turn the engine backwards and but turning it forwards it would not go. Has anyone heard of the older B&S 14.5 HP I/C Vertical shaft engines having a cam issue or stuck flywheel issue.